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Some Simple Tips to Help You Get Better with your Winning Strategy

How many of you like to play the online version of dominoes? Well I am here to give you some extra advice on the game. It's nothing major. Keeping some of these in mind will help to increase your chances of winning.

1) When it comes to the All Fives, it's not best to concentrate on becoming a better player. Usually this is a good rule of thumb, but not in this case. Focus your efforts on scoring. Why? You can still lose the round and make out better than your opponent when it comes to the score. Scoring is big here. This is what you need to be more cautious of.

2) Do you have an doubles? Yeah, I know. Get rid of them now. The sooner the better. Why? As you get closer to the end of the game it will become more difficult. It's going to be even worse than getting rid of a bone with two ends on it. Please rid yourself of the doublets ASAP. They are not going to help you.

3) Always place your bone towards domino. Don't know what this means? Better brush up on the language of the game before you even start to play. You will look and feel weird when you are the only one at the table who doesn't get this.

4) Here's another tips for all those playing the All Fives game. Your first move counts. It counts more than any other move in the game. At the start, you have to be the one to place the highest doublet. After this, it's all gravy. Do you have a bone whose multiples add up to five? Well you will get points right away for this.

For more rules and tips on the game, please move over the official link or check-out
domino online.

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